3 tips for beautiful and well-groomed nails

How to do nail design with gel?
Nail reconstruction: duration and cost
Nail enhancement is a treatment performed by professionals aimed at improving the appearance and condition of nails, both cosmetically and structurally. The reconstruction procedure involves the correction of any defects, damage or irregularities in natural nails, followed by the use of special materials such as gels, with or without fibers, in order to achieve a uniform and healthy appearance. Its popularity is due to several factors, first and foremost the robustness and longevity of the treatment.
In this article we explore in detail two key aspects of nail enhancement: durability and cost. The duration of treatment is influenced by several factors, including proper application and maintenance techniques used thereafter. Costs, however, vary mainly according to the technique chosen and the nail art desired.
Duration of aesthetic treatment with LACTUBE™
The duration of nail enhancement depends on several factors, including:
- Type of technique used;
- Natural nail growth;
- Type of business conducted by the client;
- Daily use of detergents or chemicals;
When considering the treatment of medium-length nails without decoration, the initial application takes about an hour. The application of the gel, after performing the manicure, is a crucial step for the longevity of the treatment, which, if done correctly, can last up to 4 weeks. But how are nails reconstructed with LACTUBE™?
Tips for proper application
For long-lasting treatment, it is essential to prepare the nail with manicure and nail prep application: good preparation of the nail plate, in fact, greatly affects the durability of the treatment in the following weeks.
It is good to perform a manicure that includes cuticle care, adjusting the free edge of the nail, and smoothing the nail plate with a buffer. Finally, apply nail prep spray, so as to remove any residual water that might interfere with gel adhesion. Remember that with LACTUBE™ Fiber Base, there is no need to apply primers or pre-gel bases.
Next, if necessary, carefully apply the nail forms below the free edge of the nail, aligning them with the first phalanx of the finger and making sure they fit perfectly with the natural nail. Once the nail forms are in place you can move on to making the desired shape and length to the nail with the gel builder or Fiber Base LACTUBE™. Remove the nail forms after curing the gel in a lamp and finish the free edge and nail doming.
At this point you have a strong, solid base on which to apply the semi-permanent nail polish LACTUBE™ : a revolutionary gel polish that is well suited to adhere to other polymers such as gel or acrigel. LACTUBE™ is the first and only semi-permanent nail polish in tubes, a feature that makes application easy, fast and, most importantly, hygienic. In addition, it is a product that is not only attentive to the health of the nails, but also to that of the environment since it is made from 100 percent recyclable materials.
After applying the polish, it is necessary to seal the work with a finish, glossy or matte, and moisturize the client’s hands at the end of the nail design. If done properly and using quality products, nail enhancement lasts up to 1 month. In any case, the duration of treatment varies from person to person depending on:
- Speed of growth of natural nails;
- Use of detergents or chemicals;
- Performance of daily manual work.
To extend the duration of the treatment, a nail refill can be performed. As it grows, in fact, the natural nail drags the applied product more and more toward the free edge, creating blemishes and structural imbalances. With a refill, there is no need to remove the entire reconstruction, as only a small part of the nail plate is worked on, leaving much of the previous work intact.
Refilling is done by removing the top coat and color with a file or micromotor, cleaning the cuticle lap and reapplying nail prep. Next, LACTUBE™ Builder gel or Fiber Base is applied to the bare nail plate, the shape and length of the nail is adjusted, and finally, LACTUBE™ Color Pro and Top Coat are applied. This extends the life of the nail design and minimizes the risk of breakage due to structural imbalances.
Cost of nail design
The cost of nail enhancement varies depending on several factors, including the technique used, the quality of the products, the expertise of the nail technician, the geographical location, and the type of service required.
Common nail design techniques include the use of gel builder, acrylic, or acrigel. In general, acrylic and acrigel have slightly lower prices than gel, but the main factor that determines the price fluctuation between one treatment and another is the complexity of the work required: medium-length nail reconstructions and with single-color nail polishes require a significantly lower investment in cost than the materials and labor required for very long nail reconstructions with elaborate nail art.
Geographic location is another key factor in determining the cost of service. In large urban centers or areas with a high cost of living, nail treatment can be offered at a generally higher price than in suburban areas. In addition, the level of expertise put at the service of clients allows them to modulate the cost of reconstruction.
On average, the cost of a single nail session ranges from 50 to 100 euros, depending on the factors mentioned above. Up to a maximum of 140 euros can be charged for particularly elaborate work. In the case of refills, if done regularly every 2-3 weeks, a service can be offered at a more affordable price ranging from 25 to 45 euros per session.